Starting a Business on a BudgetStarting a Business on a Budget

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Starting a Business on a Budget

From the time I was a young boy, I always knew I wanted to be my own business owner. Later in life, I ended up working in an office and barely making ends meet. I kept telling myself that I couldn't start my own business until I saved up a certain amount of money or finally cleaned up my credit and got approved for a loan. Eventually, I realized that if I wanted to start a business, I just could not wait any longer and had to do it on a tight budget. I made things work, and I am now a successful business owner. I learned a lot while building my business and still learn every day, so I decided to start a blog to help other new business owners. I plan to post many tips, so come back often for new tips.


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3 Ways That A New Point-Of-Sale System Can Help Prevent Order Errors Within Your Restaurant

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Three Reasons To Install A Faux Ivy Privacy Fence

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